Curso Regulação Ampliada 2025

Referência mundial em estudos sobre regulação, o Public Utilities Research Center (PURC/University of Florida) retornará ao Brasil em 2025

A versão ampliada do curso sobre regulação contratual, elaborada especialmente por encomenda da Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras (ABAR), a capacitação servirá especialmente a reguladores que atuam nos diferentes mercados de infraestrutura, como energia, transportes, gás e saneamento.

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Sobre o curso

O programa inicia com um enquadramento teórico do tema, para em seguida explorar os pormenores dos conceitos inerentes à delegação dos serviços públicos, na perspectiva de um Estado regulador. Incentivo e compensação; gestão e negociação de contratos; alocação de riscos; Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPPs); Sociedades de Propósito Específico (SPEs); financiamento de projetos de infraestrutura; e precificação de tarifas de serviços públicos são alguns dos elementos com os quais os alunos do curso PURC 2025 vão adquirir familiaridade.

Durante os seis dias deste curso presencial, um time de professores do PURC ministrará aulas expositivas e interativas, com tradução simultânea para português. A turma terá a oportunidade de aplicar os conteúdos especialmente preparados para esta edição do curso, como a gestão de incentivos nos setores de gás, energia, transportes e saneamento, de forma que resultem em benefícios para a sociedade. Em um dos exercícios previstos, a turma será dividida em pequenos grupos, para melhor abordarem componentes específicos dos mecanismos de compensação para os prestadores de serviços.

A ABAR traz ao Brasil uma referência mundial em estudos sobre regulação, para um treinamento imersivo inédito!

Antes do início do curso, você receberá um material didático exclusivo

produzido pelo Centro de Pesquisa de Serviços Públicos da Universidade da Flórida (PURC/UF). Após a conclusão das atividades, a instituição emitirá um certificado para atestar a participação do aluno.

Investimento no Curso

Importante: este curso será fundamentalmente presencial, com uma única atividade virtual prevista, o webinar do dia 4/12/2024.

Valor do Curso


Valor do curso para associados à ABAR


Valor do Curso

Não Associado

Valor do curso para não associados à ABAR


Informações do Curso

Equipe de especialistas do Curso

A ABAR traz ao Brasil uma referência mundial em estudos sobre regulação, para um treinamento imersivo inédito


Director of Energy Studies, Public Utility Research Center University of Florida

Dr. Ted Kury is director of Energy Studies for the Public Utility Research Center (PURC) at the University of Florida. He is responsible for promoting research and outreach activities in energy regulation and policy. He develops research strategies that inform the academic community and practitioners on emerging issues and best practices and serves as an expert resource for regulatory professionals, policymakers, and service providers in Florida and around the world.

Dr. Kury conducts interdisciplinary research related to Florida’s energy and climate change policies and serves on the steering committee of UF’s Florida Institute for Sustainable Energy. He also collaborates with faculty at other universities around the state as part of the Florida Energy Systems Consortium, a consortium recently created by the governor to leverage the expertise of Florida’s research community. In addition, he assists in the coordination of Florida’s hurricane hardening efforts.

In collaboration with the World Bank staff, Dr. Kury designs curriculum and leads sessions of the PURC/World Bank International Training Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy. He also develops advanced courses and customized training courses in energy regulation. Previously, he was a senior structuring and pricing analyst at The Energy Authority in Jacksonville, Florida where he developed proprietary models relating to the management of system-wide cash flows at risk, including the quantification of portfolio risk related to both physical utility and financial assets. He also built custom software packages to quantify cross commodity risk, valuation, and optimization of natural gas storage with dynamic programming. Prior to this position, he was a senior economist at SVBK Consulting Group in Orlando, Florida. Some of his duties included participating in legal proceedings relating to the deregulation of electric markets and helping municipal electric, natural gas, and water/wastewater utilities develop retail rates.

Dr. Kury has delivered numerous presentations at research conferences and has served as an expert witness before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Florida and New Hampshire Public Service Commissions. His research has been featured on CNN, Fox News, NPR, and the Wall Street Journal. He has published papers on the efficacy of electricity market reform and storm hardening, and is a referee for several journals.


Director and Gunter Professor, PURC.
Director of Telecommunications Studies, University of Florida

Dr. Mark Jamison is the director of the Public Utility Research Center (PURC) at the University of Florida and also serves as its director of Telecommunications Studies. He provides international training and research on business and government policy, focusing primarily on utilities and network industries. He directs the PURC/World Bank International Training Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy.

Dr. Jamison’s current research topics include leadership and institutional development in regulation, competition and subsidies in telecommunications, and regulation for next generation networks. He has conducted education programs in numerous countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and North, South, and Central America. Dr. Jamison is also a research associate with the UF Center for Public Policy Research and with Cambridge Leadership Associates, where he provides consulting and training on adaptive leadership. He is an affiliated scholar with the Communications Media Center at New York Law School.

Dr. Jamison is the former associate director of Business and Economic Studies for the UF Center for International Business Education and Research and has served as special academic advisor to the chair of the Florida Governor’s Internet task force and as president of the Transportation and Public Utilities Group.

Previously, Dr. Jamison was manager of regulatory policy at Sprint, head of research for the Iowa Utilities Board, and communications economist for the Kansas Corporation Commission. He has served as chairperson of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Staff Subcommittee on Communications, chairperson of the State Staff for the Federal/State Joint Conference on Open Network Architecture, and member of the State Staff for the Federal/State Joint Board on Separations. Dr. Jamison was also on the faculty of the NARUC Annual Regulatory Studies Program and other education programs.

Dr. Jamison serves on the editorial board of Utilities Policy. He is also a referee/reviewer for the International Journal of Industrial Organization, The Information Society, Telecommunications Policy, and Utilities Policy.


Director of Leadership Studies, Public Utility Research Center. Director of Business Development, Public Utility Research Center University of Florida.

Ms. Araceli Castaneda is the director of Leadership Studies and director of Business Development of the Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida (PURC). Ms. Castaneda is responsible for conducting training on leadership topics, developing client relationships and managing business negotiations. Since she joined PURC in February 2003, Ms. Castaneda has held different positions. She has been PURC’s assistant director, director of the PURC/World Bank International Training Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy, and has coordinated numerous programs and research projects in the U.S. and abroad. She has led international leadership workshops involving over 80 countries and more than 550 participants. Clients in her customized leadership work and coaching practice include Northwestern Energy and the Florida Public Service Commission in the United States, and Aqualectra, the Turks & Caicos Islands Telecommunications Commission and the Uganda Communications Commission abroad.

Ms. Castaneda received the University of Florida campus-wide International Educator of the Year Award in 2011, was selected to participate in the University of Florida Leadership Academy in 2007-2008, and was the recipient of the University of Florida campus-wide Superior Accomplishment Award in the Administrative/Supervisory category in 2006.

Ms. Castaneda’s past professional experience includes being a team leader for an international insurance company, English language teacher, and interpreter and translator.

Ms. Castaneda was born in the Canary Islands. She studied executive leadership at Harvard University, and is a certified neuro-linguistic programming master practitioner by the NLP University of California in Santa Cruz. She also studied at the University of Rouen, France, obtained her Master’s from the University of La Laguna, Spain and completed her post-graduate studies at the University of Salamanca, Spain.

Grade do Curso

©2024 Associação Brasileira de Agências Reguladoras - ABAR


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